​In this training, you will open up and be on a new pathway in your life and your yoga practice. You will learn what it takes to be a confident practitioner and teacher of Baptiste yoga and you will dig into transformational personal inquiry work to break barriers of self-judgment and reach a Level Above in your self-expression and leadership.
All levels of yoga practitioners; from rolling out your first mat, to having had the experience of other yoga teacher trainings.
People who are coachable.
The program and content are physically, mentally and emotionally challenging and are suitable for persons who identify as healthy in those facets of their self.

August 4-7, 2022
August 27-28, 2022
September 22-25, 2022
October 20-23, 2022​
You will be able to register yourself as a RYT-200 with Yoga Alliance.
You will be able to say that you are a Baptiste-Inspired Power Yoga Teacher.
You will be READY NOW to demo and teach at a power yoga studio.
Your life will be changed in more ways than you can imagine, including (but not limited to!) a new group of deep friendships, a changed way of being, and a deep understanding of practicing and teaching Baptiste Yoga.

The Program is $3,500
There are additional books which you will want to purchase or borrow from others, including “Journey into Power,” “40 Days to Personal Revolution” – both by Baron Baptiste
Included materials: Teacher Training Manual, Digital Yoga Anatomy Workbook, 40-Days Graduation T-shirt, Teacher Training graduation T-shirt, and graduation mala bracelet.
Included yoga: unlimited yoga classes during training sessions and discounted yoga between training sessions.
20% studio retail discount during training sessions.
Demonstrate the Art and Mastery of teaching, practicing, and living at your fullest self-expression - Look, Listen, Give Tools.
Identify common misalignments in the core postures of the Baptiste Yoga sequence, Journey into Power.
Learn what it takes to lead a Baptiste Power Yoga class and create an extraordinary practice experience.
Work inside of True North Alignment along with other tools and specific measures, resulting in the ability to teach and practice from empowered expression.
Scale the practice and postures for ANY ability level.
Apply the fundamental Baptiste Power Yoga Methodology on the mat in real time.
Transform body, mind and heart on the mat in real time.
Develop a fundamental meditation practice.
Learn the history of Yoga and Meditation and how it has evolved towards the West and into Baptiste Yoga.
Engage in workshops and exercises designed to observe the attitudes and mental models you’ve inherited, accumulated and taken on over the course of life that typically go unnoticed as ‘just the way things are’. Disrupt the Drift.
The opportunity to have a profound breakthrough in the unconscious fears that are limiting, thwarting or holding you back.
Participation in a 40 Days to Personal Revolution Program.
Learning the anatomy of yoga - broken down by parts of the body to create emphasis on the part of the asana which we are learning and the implications of skeletal and personal variety on a given practice of yoga.
Practice teaching sessions designed for you to gain skills in facilitating the primary sequence of postures in Baptiste Power Yoga. These practice teaching sessions are conducted so that all participants achieve the capacity and skill to conduct the entire Journey into Power postural sequence in a flow style. You will understand it and be able to deliver it.
Opportunity to connect to how practice teaching sessions translate into solid empowerment for all areas of your life. You’ll unlock a new kind of powerful self-expression and build new communication skills that you will use immediately in and out of the classroom.

​The program is $3,500 if paid in full by program start date, August 3, 2022
You can get a $300 discount on the program if you pay by the early bird registration date or July 3, 2022 - use coupon code: TCPEARLY
You can get $100 discount for each person whom you refer to the program (unlimited!) – in order for you to get credit for the referral, connect Lindsey Auman and your friend via email or text (Lindsey can be reached at mrslindseyauman@gmail.com and 336.339.0535) and provided that this is the first contact Lindsey has had with your friend about Teacher Training, Lindsey will send you a discount code to get your discount.
There is the opportunity finance the cost of the program over the course of the program, with payments complete by graduation, for an additional $300. Email Lindsey Auman, mrslindseyauman@gmail.com, to discuss payment options.
You must Register for the program before you purchase the program. The registration is $300 and is non-refundable (unless the program is cancelled). Once you receive an email from Lindsey Auman notifying you that your registration is approved, you will also receive the link to pay for the remainder of the program.
Level Above Yoga School is in alignment with Yoga Alliance’s most current and highest standards of requirements of yoga schools, including live and in-person requirements and leadership from your lead trainer, Lindsey Auman.
While the general hours are in person from 8am-6pm daily, the hours may vary based upon content. In addition, between in person meetings, we will hold a 40 Days to Personal Revolution program one night per week on Zoom, as well as an Anatomy of Yoga program tow days per week on Zoom. The Zoom meetings will be recorded, however, your in-person attendance is desired and required, unless you have a specific reason for not being on the program. Trainees will also be required to do 8-10 hours of practice teaching between content sessions.
Level Above yoga school has a very strict attendance policy and participants are expected to have 100% attendance and participation. If you commit to this program, you need to BE A YES, and clean your schedule during program session dates. However, we understand, well, life. Within reasonable limits, we’ll work with participants should extenuating circumstances come up which impact attendance.
For the program to occur, we must have 10 participants. If we do not have the minimum enrollees by 7 days before training, we will let all enrolled persons know, so that you can refer your friends! After that, we will allow for 2 more days to see if we can reach the minimum requirement. If that does not happen, we will issue full refunds for any monies paid, including registration deposits.