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RYT 200

Leslie had been supplementing her workout routine with yoga for over a decade to help with stretching and physical recovery.  After discovering Baptiste Power Yoga, she fully began to practice yoga and shifted her vision to share the passion for the practice with others. 


Embracing the concepts of opportunity and possibility on and off her mat, Leslie now harnesses how her yoga experience helps her in life.  From the juggle and balance of self-care with life's demands she is able to share these insights with her students. As a result, Leslie empowers other yogis to balance effort and ease while opening up to new possibilities to embrace. 


Leslie delivers empowering Journey Into Power classes.  Her students are challenged to step outside their comfort zone to explore and embrace something new.


When not teaching, Leslie enjoys watching the Carolina Hurricanes, traveling, going to concerts and spending time with her family.


Leslie completed her RYT-200 with Dancing Dogs Yoga in Greensboro and received her Yin certification from Bernie Clark.

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